Why August Makes You Sad?

Summer's ending blues? Discover the surprising science behind August melancholy and how to beat it. Don't let the calendar dictate your mood!

Hey friends! 🌞

Happy Thursday! As we wrap up August, let’s take a moment to celebrate how far we’ve come. 👏 This week, let’s focus on nurturing our mental peace by finding joy in the little things. Here’s to ending the month with a renewed sense of mental well-being!

In today's edition:

  • August

  • News

  • Word of the day

  • One core book idea

  • Quote by Khalil Gibran..

  • QnA

  • Blog update

  • Community

Why August Makes You Sad? And How to Beat It!

August—what a confusing time of the year!

The end of summer has this way of sneaking up on us, doesn’t it?

You’re basking in the warmth of the sun one moment, and the next, there’s a hint of coolness in the air that screams “autumn is coming.”

It’s like a bittersweet farewell, where the sun sets a little earlier, the days feel a little shorter, and suddenly, you’re left with a heavy feeling that’s hard to shake off.

But why does August have this sneaky power over our emotions? Why do we feel sad, nostalgic, or even downright anxious as summer draws to a close? And how can it affect your mental peace?

The “Sunday Scaries” of August

Think about it, August is like the Sunday night of the year.

You know that feeling when the weekend’s almost over, and you start dreading the Monday morning routine?

That’s August in a nutshell. Carly Harris, LMFT, a therapist and program director at Newport Healthcare, explains that this month carries the same “Sunday Scary” vibes.

The pressure of returning to school, work, or just the grind of everyday life looms large, and it’s enough to make anyone feel uneasy.

And it doesn’t just stop there…

August also triggers memories of carefree childhood summers, a time when your biggest worry was catching the ice cream truck before it zoomed past your street.

As adults, those feelings of freedom and play can be hard to come by, leaving us longing for simpler times.

The Light Shift

Ever noticed how the sunlight seems different in August? It’s not just you.

As the days get shorter, the change in light can mess with your body’s internal clock, also known as your circadian rhythm.

This can lead to shifts in mood and energy levels, similar to what some people experience during the fall or winter.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) might be more common in winter, but the shorter days of August can kickstart those feelings early.

The Social Media Trap

And let’s not forget the social media effect…

Scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, you’re bombarded with pictures of others living their best summer lives—European vacations, beach trips, and endless fun in the sun.

It’s easy to feel like you’ve missed out, like summer slipped through your fingers while you were busy with, well, life.

This fear of missing out can amplify the sadness, leaving you questioning if you made the most of the season.

How to Beat the August Blues

But hey, all is not lost! The end of summer blues might be real, but there’s a lot you can do to shake them off.

1. First things first—recognize that it’s okay to feel sad or nostalgic. August might not be your favorite month, and that’s perfectly fine. Allow yourself to feel these emotions without judgment.

2. Soak up every last bit of sunlight. Spend time outdoors, whether it’s at the beach, the park, or even your backyard. The vitamin D from sunlight is a natural mood booster.

3. Instead of mourning the end of summer, try looking forward to fall. Think cozy sweaters, Halloween parties, and warm drinks. Shift your focus to the perks of the upcoming season, it might just lift your spirits.

4. Just because summer’s ending doesn’t mean the fun has to stop. Plan a small trip or even a day out with friends. Having something to look forward to can ease the transition into the cooler months.

Key Takeaways:

  • August brings the “Sunday Scaries” of the year, triggering feelings of anxiety and nostalgia.

  • Shorter days and changes in sunlight can affect your mood and energy levels.

  • Social media can intensify feelings of missing out as summer ends.

  • Coping strategies include acknowledging your feelings, getting outside, embracing the change, and planning fun activities.

A Practical Solution

Find a small way to celebrate the end of summer…

Maybe it’s a last-minute beach day, a barbecue with friends, or even just an afternoon reading in the park.

Make the most of these final warm days and start planning something to look forward to in the fall.

Remember, each season has its own unique beauty, let’s embrace it and nurture our mental health along the way!

Read more about this news.

Until next time,
— Warmly, The Good Positive Team

Socially Anxious Teen Daughter

A story that might just give you a fresh perspective on overcoming fears.

A dad recently took a tough-love approach with his socially anxious teenage daughter.

The dad made headlines when he refused to order food for his socially anxious 15-year-old daughter at Wendy's, encouraging her to do it herself.

She couldn’t, so they left without food.

While it may sound harsh, the dad’s tough love could be just what she needs to build confidence.

Although they left without a meal, the experience was far from wasted.

It was a small but powerful step towards facing her anxiety head-on.

While it wasn’t easy, this moment might just be the spark she needs to tackle her fears in the future. 💪✨

Read more about this research.

A word that I came across… “Weltschmerz”

Ever heard of it?

Weltschmerz is a German word that beautifully captures a deep feeling of sadness or melancholy that arises from comparing the harsh realities of the world to the ideal life one dreams of.

It’s that wistful longing for a world that feels out of reach, a blend of disappointment and sorrow for the imperfections of life.

So, next time you're feeling a bit down and can't quite put it into words, "Weltschmerz" might be what you're experiencing.


The solution:

Seeking help, whether through therapy, or support from loved ones. Take small steps towards self-care, stay connected with others, and build a routine that can help calm the chaos.

The Gifts of Imperfection
by BrenĂŠ Brown

So, let's talk about BrenĂŠ Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection.

The big takeaway? Be yourself, flaws and all.

In a world where we're often judged for showing weakness, Brown reminds us that courage isn’t about being a superhero; it’s about embracing vulnerability.

Her research shows that living a "wholehearted life"—full of authenticity, gratitude, and joy—leads to feeling more worthy of love and respect.

Imagine letting go of perfection and just enjoying life as you are. Sounds freeing, right?

She gives practical tips too—like practicing gratitude daily and finding joy in simple things like laughter, creativity, and even dancing like no one’s watching.

So, go ahead, give yourself permission to be perfectly imperfect, and let your true self shine! ✨

Read more about this book.

“Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.”

Think about this quote by — Khalil Gibran.

Gibran’s quote reminds us that sadness isn’t a permanent state.

It’s like a temporary barrier that separates us from the joy and beauty that lies ahead.

Imagine it as a pause in the journey—something that makes the eventual happiness even sweeter.

So, if you’re feeling down, just remember: it’s a part of your path, not the end of it. Hang in there! 🌈

Q: "Have you ever wondered why sadness can feel so overwhelming?

A: It’s because sadness isn't just an emotion; it’s your mind's way of signaling that something important is off-balance.

When you’re sad, your brain is actually processing and working through deeper issues or losses.

It’s like a mental reset, helping you understand what you truly need to heal and move forward.

So, next time you’re feeling blue, remember: it's not just a bad mood; it's a signal for growth and change. Amazing how our minds work, isn't it?

This Week’s Blog Update…

This week’s popular articles on the good positive blog…

Hey there!

I hope this Thursday's issue of The Good Positive Newsletter brings you inspiration.

Your thoughts mean the world to us, and we’re always looking to make your experience even brighter.

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This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or a qualified health care provider with any questions about a medical condition or treatment. Do not ignore professional medical advice or delay seeking it due to information found in this newsletter.