Dr. Amen's Three-Step Guide

Dr. Amen shares his proven method to take control...

Happy Thursday, dear readers! 🌟

Welcome to another uplifting edition of The Good Positive. It’s Thursday, and that means it’s time for a little mental health check-in. So, let’s dive into this week’s newsletter with a mind that’s open, a heart that’s gentle, and a spirit ready to embrace whatever comes our way. You’re doing great! ✨

In today's edition:

  • Positive news

  • New research

  • Word of the day

  • One core book idea

  • Quote by Nanea Hoffman.

  • QnA

  • Blog update

  • Community

How to Tame a Panic Attack: Dr. Amen's Three-Step Guide

Ever been caught in the grip of a panic attack, feeling like the world’s closing in on you? It’s terrifying—no doubt about it.

But here's the good news…

Dr. Daniel Amen, a renowned psychiatrist and brain-imaging expert, has shared a straightforward three-step method to help you regain control when panic strikes.

Step 1: Don’t Flee the Scene.

First things first—don't run! Yes, you read that right…

When panic hits, the urge to escape is overwhelming, but leaving the situation gives anxiety the upper hand.

Dr. Amen insists that staying put is crucial.

"If you leave, the anxiety now controls you," he explains…

So, take a deep breath—literally—and remind yourself that you’re not in any real danger. You’re going to be okay.

Step 2: Breathe Like You Mean It. 

Breathing might seem like the most basic thing, but when done right, it can work wonders.

Dr. Amen suggests a specific technique: breathe in for four seconds, hold it for a second or two, then exhale slowly for eight seconds, and hold again for a moment.

Repeat this ten times, and you'll notice the panic begin to fade away…

Simple, right? But oh-so-effective.

Step 3: Flip the Script. 

Our minds are powerful, and sometimes they can be our own worst enemies.

During a panic attack, negative thoughts can spiral out of control…

Dr. Amen's advice? Write down those thoughts…

It might sound odd at first—who wants to document their fears in the middle of a panic attack?

But here's the twist: once you've written them down, flip them!

For example, if you're thinking, "The plane is going to crash," counter it with, "The plane is not going to crash."

Then, focus on that positive thought. Meditate on it. Let it sink in.

Real-Life Tips.

Dr. Amen isn’t the only one with tricks up his sleeve…

His TikTok followers chimed in with their own panic-busting tips, and some of them can help.

  • One follower swears by placing something cold, like ice, on the back of their neck. It might sound strange, but it helps them snap out of the panic.

  • Another tip is to plant your feet firmly on the ground and really feel them there. It’s a simple grounding technique that brings you back to the present.

  • A surprising tip? Spicy or sour candy! Apparently, the intense flavor can jolt your senses enough to pull you out of a panic.

When to Seek Help.

Remember, panic attacks usually pass within 30 minutes.

But if they persist or if you're experiencing severe symptoms like chest pains or difficulty breathing, it's time to seek medical help.

Don’t hesitate—your health is worth it.

Personal Thoughts.

In my experience, the significance of breathing is indisputable. It’s incredible how something so simple can anchor you in the midst of chaos.

I’ve tried Dr. Amen’s breathing technique… Don’t worry, I did not experience a panic attack. But it did calm my mind. I’m all for it!

We all have our battles, but with tools like these, we’re better equipped to face them head-on.

Here’s Dr. Amen’s tiktok video.

— Warmly, The Good Positive Team

The Less Stress diet…

Guess what?

Ditching that Western diet and embracing the Mediterranean one might actually chill you out, according to fresh research from Binghamton University.

They found that people following the Mediterranean diet—packed with plants, healthy fats, and vibrant foods—reported feeling less stressed.

Meanwhile, the Western diet, full of processed junk, seems to crank up stress levels…

Over 1,500 people were surveyed, and the results? Clear as day: Mediterranean eating might be the key to lowering stress and mental distress.

Who knew your diet could do that? It's not just about your body; it’s about your mind too!

Read more about this research.

A word that I came across… “Dystychiphobia”

Ever heard of dystychiphobia? No? Well, let me explain in short…

This intriguing term refers to the fear of accidents. Yep, it’s a real thing!

For some, just the thought of a potential mishap can trigger a full-blown panic attack.

Imagine being so worried about accidents that it becomes a phobia—talk about living on the edge!

While it’s not a word you’d hear every day, understanding it could shed light on how deeply fears can root themselves in our minds.

So, next time you’re feeling a bit anxious, just remember—you’re not alone in your worries!


Found some humor…

The Rule of 100…

Would you apply this rule?

First, We Make the Beast Beautiful

This book is written by Sarah Wilson. One core message about this book is that…

Anxiety, even panic attacks, are not monsters to defeat but rather parts of us to understand and embrace.

It's like, hey, what if instead of fighting the storm, we danced in the rain?

Wilson suggests that by reshaping our relationship with anxiety—seeing it as a wild, untamed beauty—we can find peace.

It’s about turning something terrifying into something, well, less terrifying.

Life’s messy, anxiety’s messy, and that’s okay.

Read more about this book.

“I am very strong. But sometimes, while I’m being strong, I’m also hyperventilating—my heart is pounding out of my chest. Also, I might cry and swear a lot. That’s just how I roll.”

One powerful quote related to panic attacks comes from Nanea Hoffman.

This quote captures the paradox of dealing with anxiety and panic attacks…

It highlights how a person can appear strong and resilient on the outside while simultaneously battling intense feelings of fear and panic internally.

It’s a reminder that it’s okay to have moments of vulnerability, and acknowledging these feelings is part of being human.

In essence, this quote encourages individuals to embrace their complexities—strength and vulnerability can coexist.

Wow! What a profound way to express the reality of living with anxiety!

Q: "Can panic attacks happen even while you're sleeping?”

A: Yes, really! It’s called a nocturnal panic attack.

Imagine being jolted awake, heart racing, sweat pouring—no obvious reason. It's terrifying, right?

But here's the thing: your mind is still processing stress even when you're snoozing. Your body reacts, and boom—a panic attack.

But don’t freak out! It doesn’t mean something is seriously wrong. It’s just your body's way of signaling that something’s up.

Understanding this can help you manage those nighttime scares better.

This Week’s Blog Update…

Popular on the good positive blog…

Hey there!

I hope this Thursday's issue of The Good Positive Newsletter brings you inspiration.

Your thoughts mean the world to us, and we’re always looking to make your experience even brighter.

“I’d love to hear what topics you enjoy the most, or if there’s something new you’d like us to explore.”

“Just email us to [email protected] and share your thoughts, it’ll only take a minute!”

“Your feedback is the heartbeat of our community, helping us grow and spread positivity more effectively.”



This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or a qualified health care provider with any questions about a medical condition or treatment. Do not ignore professional medical advice or delay seeking it due to information found in this newsletter.